Office 2016 mail merge not working
Office 2016 mail merge not working

office 2016 mail merge not working

  • From the “Mailings” tab, in the “Start Mail Merge” group, choose “Select Recipients”, and then choose the “E-mail Messages” option.
  • Starting in Microsoft Word, prepare the email you are going to send by typing the message you’ll send or by copying it in from an existing document.
  • No attachments can be sent in a mail merge.
  • No more than 10,000 emails can be sent from a single mailbox in one day.
  • There are also some very good instructions from Microsoft available, and the links to these and to some more in-depth training from are at the bottom of this page. You will need Office 2016 with Outlook 2016 installed on your computer, so ask the ICT service desk if you are unsure by calling 01522 886500 or emailing the instructions below to set up your first mail merge.

    office 2016 mail merge not working

    It has the tools to send bulk email as individual and personalised emails. To start putting together a mail merge, Microsoft Word (not Outlook) is the program to use.

    Office 2016 mail merge not working