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Recommended Builds Highest Win Rate (SR) Roaming to an ahri is like eating to a human being. In Yasuo versus Ahri matches, Yasuo’s team is 0.0% more expected to get first blood, implying that he probably will get first blood against Ahri. Normally, he wins a terrific 52.3% of the time the champs face off with one another in. sibling gifYasuo vs Ahri Matchup Summary Yasuo has done a good job of beating Ahri. This is your source to learn all about Viego Probuilds and to learn how to play Viego.This page shows you how a pro builds Viego in detail.

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Based on our LoL Tier List from pro builds at patch 13.1, Viego - The Ruined King - is a B-Tier champion.Among professional League of Legends players, Viego is most often selected on the Jungle position. 2x 3 y Guide Discussion (16) More Yasuo Guides Join the MOBAFire LoL EMEA Fantasy Tournament Runes: Lethal Tempo standard 1 2 Precision Lethal Tempo Triumph Legend: Bloodline Last Stand Resolve Bone Plating Overgrowth Bonus: +10% Attack Speed +9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP) +15-140 HP (lvls 1-18) Spells: 1 2 3 4 Ignite Flash Ignite Recommended ItemsDe esos combos inesperados.El código del mazo de Jinx y Lulu es:CQDACAYCAIAQGBASAECAIEABAYFBUAQFBJKJCAIEAECAYHBHFABACAIEFUBAKCUIAGTACAQCAECACNACAYFCQLIViego Probuilds explained. The windwall will block the entire E as long any part of the E hits the windwall. Take note that Yasuo’s Windwall can be used to block both Irelia’s E and Irelia’s Ult.

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As Yasuo, stand near your low health minions so that when Irelia uses Q to Cs, You can Q her for free damage. Solo Lane Kills 1.8 2.3 Effective Roams 2.6 Unlock matchup-specific advices atandt fiber help number Yasuo vs Irelia is quite an easy matchup for Yasuo. Welcome to Yasuo Legends channel.▻Runes in this game: ▻Best Stream: ▻Live Stream: .🥇 Ahri MID vs Yasuo Ranked Korea Season 13⭐ Summary ⭐Game: League of Legends Type: Ranked Solo 5vs5Patch: 13.1Tier: Grandmaster 437 LPChampion Position: Mid.Yasuo Matchups Overview Weak Against Annie 38.0% Win Rate Cassiopeia 42.4% Win Rate Lissandra 43.1% Win Rate Strong Against Azir 58.0% Win Rate Ryze 54.5% Win Rate Orianna 54.0% Win Rate Best Synergy (DUO) Maokai 54.0% Win Rate Gragas 53.0% Win Rate Jarvan IV 51.2% Win Rate Yasuo General information Yasuo tips and tricks notary cafe Ahri 51.2% 3 884 For matchups that are not listed above, check the matchups table Yasuo 48.8% Win Rate Ahri 51.2% Win Rate Matchup stats based on the 3 884 matches 1.68 KDA 2.63 566 -566 7.3 CS/M 6.1 38% KP 44% 619.8 DPM 645.4 1.7 Avg.

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